Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Retreat

Spiritually I’ve been refreshed this weekend. I spent one night and one day in a retreat house in Cenacle, Katipunan together with other five community members, rye, peter, Pauline, garet and lynette. The retreat was great. I’ve been telling Kets that it was really an eye opener for me, because God reminded me again where am I spiritually. I admit it that I’m in my down nowadays, I’ve been failing to do my part as a Christian, I ignored my resonsibilities for so many times and made excuses so I would be pushed not to do them. It was my fault, I let temptations and hindrances impede me in doing these commitments I once made. With this retreat, I knew He already forgave me and is giving me another chance to recommit myself and correct the mistakes that I keep on doing that was caused by my faltering faith. God is great! He is a forgiving God! I know He never judged me in whatever way…and I am sure this time, He will help me conquer my weaknesses and that He will help me find refuge to overcome this struggle.

To be honest, talking about this part of my life is a risk for me because I don’t know if my friends and the people who know me would say something about this or anything like that. I demand that you suspend your judgment first. I hope you would join me in my journey as I discover Christ, our God, whom I personally call Daddy Jess!

So as I was speaking, that retreat was kind of short but that night and day were enough for me to accomplish my goal of going there, and that was to know what I could do. I was helpless, I admitted that I could not move forward spiritually unless I accept it that I could not do it on my own, that I need help. I had my peaks and my troughs, and still they weren’t enough to provide motivation and strength on my part.

I surely missed those times that I easily found peace in my heart and my mind in anytime I needed to. I haven’t experienced that for a long time until this weekend. I missed those times with Him. Kaya I was really happy that I was able to give my whole day just for Him and to update Him on what is going on with me. And it felt amazing!

I thank God for the gift of community and friends! I don’t want to imagine how my life would be like without them. I have found my new home! And I pray that you will too…

Don’t stop loving God! Don’t stop loving life! Don’t stop finding happiness! *hugs*

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