Thursday, June 5, 2008

I missed blogging!

Yes, it’s been a while, and I truly missed writing in my blog. So many things happened in the span of more or less than a month. Here’s a quick review:

(not in particular order)

Personal life

  1. I am still single… but there’s more story to it…to be discussed next time.
  2. I still don’t know how to start being a daughter again to my daddy
  3. I am happy though…. But I’ve been prancing around in a particular level of happiness for a while now…I am not yet happier

Spiritual Life

  1. I’m in a crisis right now. The high feeling has surpassed after the retreat and I am again being dragged down to my old ways.
  2. the shepherding is not that working for me, because I resist. I don’t know if this is for me.

Social Life

  1. our Zambales trip pushed thru and it was super successful. So many unforgettable and fun memories were laid up.
  2. I miss my bes.


  1. I’m excited for the coming school year because first, I will see my kids again, second there will be new teachers and I will be the ate and third, I love the workplace more.

Future Plans:

  1. NMAT review is ongoing.
  2. planning to take MT courses for future needs

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